poetic pragmatism 2
housing in the hinterlands of Hackney
the construction places speculative emphasis on a product pallette of materials. Exposing that which is normally concealed within a building’s envelope, it asks questions of the chemically intensive market a building’s fabric relies on. Whilst achieving economy through the use of these products, the scheme rejects their acceptance as standard practice.
in an effort to provide two thousand new homes for social rent, Hackney council has proposed the infill of twenty garage sites across their borough. This project deals with three such sites on the North side of the Frampton Park Estate.

the proposal learns from Lacaton and Vassal’s social housing type in Mulhouse, Trignac and Coutras, as well as its transposition to a similar garage infill site nearby __________________.
tutors: David Grandorge, Ted Swift
(semester one project)
calum montgomery
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